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Hiiii travelling-lovers!
Here’s the second part of my journey!
Did you guess the next state we visited right?
I would say, that this part of the States is the red part. Well simply because, the next state we visited was my favorite red-rocks-everywhere-state – Utah. I couldn’t wait to see Arches National Park, because that was the only thing, we didn’t see last year, when we were doing the West coast. And it was even better than I thought! We hiked a little bit to see the famous Delicate Arch and we got there right on time for the perfect sunset.

Of course there were many more arches than the Delicate one, and they were all soooo beautiful! This was my second favorite place in the States (first is San Diego of course).

We spent the next 2 days hiking in Canyonlands National Park, which was similar to Arches, no less stunning. We did a lot of hiking here.

Right next to Canyonlands, there is a little tiny state park called Dead Horse Point, which we visited as well. You could see the river of Colorado from up the viewpoint.

On our way to Capitol Reef, we stopped by two really cool places – Goblin Valley State Park, where all the red rocks looked like dwarfs!

The second place was Factory Butte, a huge rock in the middle of nowhere.

The weather was still hot, since we were still in Utah in the middle of June. Sometimes the temperature rose up to 100°F (38°C), but still better than in Texas, where the highest temperature was about 115°F (46°). Everyone else was dying, but I fine, I lived in it for a year.
Anyways, Capitol Reef was awesome too! We actually didn’t do any hiking here, because there was a 60 miles long road. Well… A road is probably not the right word. My Ford Focus would get stuck in the first mile and our average speed was about 5 miles/hour, so this trail took us the whole day! We even had to cross a river, but again, soooo many beautiful views.

From there, we drove to Salt Lake City, a beautiful modern capital, known for the Olympic Games.
This was the first city in the States, where I got legally (yea, last year I was 20,5!) drunk haha, we ended up in this little pub and had a few glasses of wine. We did some more shopping here as well and head up the north to our next destination, which was…..
(to be continued in the next post!:))