Hey everyone!
So I finally wrote a fitness article again! I know, it took me a while, but here it is!
I didn’t go to the gym around Christmas, so I gained a few kilos. I’m not gonna cry here, because I know, that if I pull out all the stops, I can lose it pretty quickly. My exams are complicating the whole situation and I’m quite sure you know this – tons of coffee, chocolate, pizza and the only exercise these days is to turn the page in the textbook.
Also, I’m pretty sure you know the feeling when you get some new gym clothes and when you wear it, you are able to work out for two hours instead of one and it’s actually fun. Well, I got these by Peak Performance, because I’m tired of those mainstream brands (pretty classic, I have to be different all the time haha). And I gotta say, that the softness of all materials is amazing! <3
Anyways, let’s get to my workout then! I did my whole body after a really long time and I tried something new. I did only 4 exercises, but in various versions and with various weight. So the thing is, that I did 3 supersets of one exercise right away with no rest and I kept decreasing the weigh with every set (or replaced the third one with dynamic version).
The funny thing is, that at the end of the set, I wasn’t even able to do back rows with 5-kg dumbbells, so those who weren’t watching my workout carefully might have thought that I was not able to lift a 5-kg dumbbell. Anyways, I definitely recommend trying this kind of a workout, it’s a killer! I’m gonna do it more often now because it totally wore me out. I’m kind of a freak when it comes to exercising because when there are no sweat drops dripping from my hair ends, I didn’t try hard enough and the whole workout was a waste of time. I guess I’m a serious gym addict, so if you are too, you should try this workout!:)
So, I did regular three sets of:
Squats with bar (50kg) – 10x
Bodyweight squats – 30x
Jumping squats – 15x
Back dumbbell rows bent over (17,5 kg) – 10x
Back dumbbell rows bent over (9 kg) – 20x
Back dumbbell rows bent over (5kg) – 25x
Walking lunges with sandbag (30 kg) – 20x (10x each leg)
Bodyweight walking lunges – 30x (15x each leg)
Jumping lunges – 14x (7x each leg)
Step-ups with bar (20g) – 10x each leg
Bodyweight step-ups – 15x each leg
Box jumps – 12x
I did some abs at the end and also 15 minutes of hill walking on the treadmill to support the fat burning!:)
If you decide to try this workout, let me know in the comments, how it went!:)