Hey guys!
I just landed in Peking! It’s almost as cold as in Oslo here!:) I managed to leave my GoPro on the plane, so I’m trying to find it, but I think it’s gone forever :(((
For those who still don’t know my plans in the next two months, let me explain. We flew from Prague to Oslo in the morning, where we almost missed our next flight to Stockholm due to our delay caused by snow and really low temperatures. We arrived in Stockholm late as well, so we almost missed the plane to Peking again (that feeling they’re announcing your name and your’re still on the other side of the airport:D). We have the whole day in Peking, so we decided to go exploring the downtown and the Great Wall of China. The next day we’re flying to Melbourne, but we’re continuing to Auckland right away, because we decided to start our journey in Zealand. We are plannig on staying 3 weeks there and then we’re flying back to Australia, specifically to Cairns, which is located on the north-west coast. We are renting a motor home there and heading south all the way back to Melbourne, from where we’re taking a plane to the inner part of Australia for 3 days to see Uluru and then back to Melbourne. Our journey ends there and we will fly back home through Peking and London.
Pheeew, it’ll be a tough one, but I can’t wait to be there! It’ll be my first time to Asia or Australia!
And what about you guys, have you ever been to Australia or Zealand? What the furthest way you flew from home? And where did you like it the most?
Stay tuned for another travelling photos!