Hey guys!
So the biggest fashion event in Prague just started and I couldn’t be missing here. I’m really looking forward to every fashion week and this one was great, as always!
I loooove watching other people’s outfits and I’m so happy that so many people who care about fashion meet at one place at one time. I admire all the people there because they’re sooo creative! And as said in the last post. there are no rules in fashion.
The first day I checked out the fashion show by Miro Sabo, Daniela Peskova, LaFormela and Alter Era and all of them were absolutely stunning! If I had to choose one, it would be Alter Era. The designs were inventive, materials were interesting and patterns were original.
During the afternoon about 5 different people asked me which designer made my top. And I had to answer everyone, that no one, that I bought it on Asos for about 30 Euro, so it wasn’t anything special, but no one even wanted to believe that:) Well, sometimes, if you search thoroughly, you find a great piece. The shoes are from Asos as well, pants are from H&M and I don’t even know where I got my handbag.
Well, I don’t think there are more words needed, so just take a look at the pictures:))