Hey guys!
So I never thought I would shoot an outfit on this busy main street in Prague, but since the sunset was so beautiful, I couldn’t resist. The passers-by were looking at me really strangely and the Japanese tourists were even taking pictures of me too, as if I was some kind of a celebrity or something, haha:)
I also have to apologize for my creased shirt – I was sitting for eight ours, so that’s why. Anyways, I have a new coat (which I bought in black as well, haha:)), new sweatshirt and new handbag, which I managed to scrape right on the first day:(
Concerning the news and my start of this week, I’ll be holding a talk on the workshop with Aneta Vignerova next Saturday, so you all are invited to come and chat with me and many other guests. More info HERE! Today afternoon I’m going to Karlin to check out my possible new car, so keep your fingers crossed & let’s hope it’ll be THE one. However, I’ll buy it in Germany, where I’m planning on going next week. I don’t want to tell which one it is, so I wouldn’t jinx it, so until it’s parked in front of my house, I won’t say anything.
Just before that, I have to visit my grandma and hang the curtains for her, so I suppose that I’ll be leaving with two cakes in my stomach and one chicken thigh in my handbag for dinner. Why does every grandma think, that her granddaughter is starving to death?! Haha whose grandma is the same? 🙂
Alright, gotta go!
Have a great rest of Tuesday!

Coat – Boohoo
Shoes – Stradivarius
Sweatshirt – H&M
Handbag – H&M
Shirt – Gant
Pants – Berhska
Watch – Komono