Hey everyone!
From now I’m not ashamed of my belly anymore. I used to be sad because my belly didn’t look like those I’ve been seeing on Instagram and in magazines. My biggest problem was food because I love it to the Moon and back and a bar of chocolate at midnight wasn’t an exception. The more I ate, the harder was my workout. I was totally exhausted when I finished it and people were asking me if I went to the pool.
But recently I’d been noticing that my body was stagnating and I wasn’t getting any better, so I realized that even if I worked the hardest I can, nothing would happen until I change my diet.
So I tried to hold on for one month and forget about chocolate, bread and sweets. I started eating right with no more cheat meals. I even started eating more calories than before and after a month my body fat percentage fell from 13% to 9%. I realized that being hungry is not the right way to go.
So, girls, stop starving! Try to eat at least 5 times a day, but smaller portions (I know, you hear that everywhere, but it really works). Have some complex carbs and protein in the morning (oats / greek yoghurt / eggs), sugars before and after the workout (fruits), protein about an hour after your workout (protein drinks) and for lunch some carbs and protein (rice / whole-wheat pasta / potatoes / couscous + meat / fish). Try to reduce carbs and sugars in the evening and have some meat and vegetables for dinner.
Concerning the workout, I added 15 minutes of cardio at the end, which contributes to fat burning. I also quit exercising abs and replaced it with core exercises.
I was really motivated by the results of the first two weeks, so I tried to stick with this plan. My cravings for chocolate are gone, so we will see what will happen another month. And my advice? Don’t wait until Monday or New Year. You can do anything if you want! :))