Hello travellers!
Who wouldn’t know Bohemian-Saxon Switzerland, right? It is one of the most popular destinations (not only) for Czech tourists and is visited by millions of people every year. Pravčická Brána, canyons on the river Kamenice, Mariina Vyhlídka… These are all fairly touristy places that I’m sure you’ve been to at least once in your life.
But what about places that aren’t known that much? Well, I guess I’m an expert for that, so I’ve got two spots for you that you may not even know about even though you’re a regular visitor.
1) Chřibská Dam
Part of this magical dam is even more magical little tower, located right on the surface of the water. The dam itself falls within a protected water zone with limited access. And what does that mean in practise? That you can’t get too close to it because it’s surrounded by a fence. But there is one view from which the tower can be seen. You have to stop your car here and then take a right on a fork down a smaller road. You’ll find a scenic spot after about 400 meters. Even though the road on the left of the maps looks like it’ll take you straight to the tower, you might as well forget about it, because you’ll come to an iron gate that’s impossible to get past and the tower can’t be seen at all.

2) Aqueduct Chřibská
Another short walk leads past a former aqueduct hidden in a deep forest. If you’re driving by and you don’t know about it, you’re not going to run into it, because there are basically no signs for it and you can easily miss it.
Leave the car parked in the first serpentine behind Dolní Chřibská (map location here). There’s an inconspicuous forest path just around the bend, which you can take. In a few minutes, you’ll come to a beautiful bridge across the river – a historic aqueduct. It’s overgrown with moss, and the dark forest gives it the right mood. Go around the viaduct, too, and you may find a tunnel of some kind, the origin of which I have unfortunately not traced.
So let’s see, which one of you has ever been to Czech Switzerland and didn’t know either of these two places? 🙂