Hey guys!
I had two weeks off at work and I used it productively, how else. I just can’t relax and do nothing. Last week I managed to go through all the hard drives I have. Do you know how many I got? 9! And all these hardrives were full of stuff. I bought one big one and sorted all the files into folders. I went through 3 tb of photos. Can you imagine the amount of pictures I have?!
I also found photos from 2002. I was 9. They’re quite treasures.
Among other things, I found these lost photos from the photoshoot for Answear.cz. It was really fun to take these pictures because I was forced to climb trees, which I have always enjoyed. I actually enjoy climbing anywhere but I don’t have to write about my passion to climb the high mountains, I guess, haha:)
Have a nice week everyone!

All – Answear.cz