Hey everyone!
So even before I start posting pics from Iceland, I have one more outfit post, which we shot with Martin just before my departure 🙂 The funny thing is, that after two weeks in Iceland I gained six kilos and now none of my jeans fit me, so I hope that before I shoot another outfit post, I’ll loose it back.
A shirt dress is probably my absolutely favorite piece of clothing and I own dozens of them. I bought these on Zoot (link at the end of the article), but they have an incredibly high slit. By every step I had the feeling that everyone can see my butt hahaha 🙂
Anyways, today I managed to put my school schedule for the next semester together and it makes me totally sad, how the summer time flies! Originally, my summer was supposed to end by my trip to Iceland, but I got an early name-day present from my mom! Two tickets to Venice! For October. I’ve never been to Venice and it’s the last place in Europe that I wanted to visit. I’m not saying that I’ve been everywhere, but all the other places on my list are outside Europe. Like Nepal, one of my biggest dreams <3
And where would you guys prefer to go if you could? What place is your dream? :)))
Have a great Sunday!

Dress – Zoot
Shoes – Botovo.cz
Handbag, belt – can’t remember:(