Hey guys!
Here’s a report from Třeboň! You probably wonder why such a city/moutain girl is doing in such a little town like Třeboň. It’s a spa town and my mom is here for health reasons for month, so I came to see her for two days. Originally I was supposed to leave Prague the same day I came back from Switzerland, but because we arrived at midnight, I went there in the morning.
At home, I literally just switched my luggages and got on the train in the morning.
One evening we decided to make a picnic at a pond instead of dinner and I coincidentally had my camera with me, so these great pictures were created 🙂 You probably wonder where this great place is. It is the pond called Hejtman in Chlum near Třeboň.
We bought stuff like cheeses, hams, crispy baguettes, olives, nuts, melon and so on. Well, what am I gonna tell you, we were so full, that after sunset, we were just lying on our backs and chilling. Anyways the sunset was pretty awesome, I haven’t seen such a sunset for a really long time 🙂
And what about you guys, have you ever been to Třeboň? :))))