Modlivý Důl – unique chapel near Svojkov

Modlivý důl

Hey guys!

Modlivý důl. A rocky valley, nestled among sandstone rocks interspersed with a mysterious forest. The iconic chapel, set directly into one of the rocks, is incredibly photogenic from every possible angle. You can even climb the opposite rock and admire the chapel from above.

You can get here from the Svojkov bus station (by the castle), where you can park comfortably. There’s a forest road, lined with a crossroads. If you choose this shortest option, you will also pass a cool spring.

Návštěva Modlivého dolu se dá krásně spojit se sloupským hradem, rozhlednou na Stráži a třeba přespáním v altánu nebo hamace na vyhlídce u Turka. To je přesně to, co jsme udělaly my s mamkou minulý týden. Modlivý důl je totiž možné navštívit i ze Sloupu, což je tedy delší, ale hezčí cesta.

A visit to the Modlivý Důl can be combined with the castle in Sloup v Čechách, and a cool lookout called Vyhlídka u Turka, and perhaps a sleepover in the gazebo or a hammock on the lookout. That’s exactly what me and my mom did last week. Modlivý Důl can also be visited from Sloup, which is a longer but nicer journey.

I’m enclosing a map with the exact location so you don’t get lost in the thick forest! 🙂
