Hey everyone!
I finally got rid of the crutches and my stupid “elephant foot” and I’m learning how to walk again. I feel like a little kid, because sometimes I trip over my own feet. My ankle is not 100% okay, so sometimes I bring myself to my knees, without seeing any good-looking guy, haha:) My right calf is half the size of my left calf and the muscles don’t fully work. I can’t even stand on my tiptoes, it kinda feels as if the muscles weren’t there.
I took off the brace three weeks earlier than I was supposed to, but my lower back & knee started to hurt like hell after those three weeks of wearing it. Anyways, many thanks to everyone who wished me a speedy recovery, I think it helped! 🙂
Anyways, Martin told me, that he’s noticed me saying “anyways” in the Czech versions of my articles recently. I know about that, but it seems to me that there isn’t a good Czech translation for this word, so I just use it as it is haha:) So if you ever wondered about this, now you know why:) Speaking of Martin, I got three messages (!) from you guys, asking who the heck is Martin, haha:) Well, it’s the cameraman of MM and my photographer, who is always making comments on my outfits. Also, he is my ex-classmate from university, but he’s too lazy to finish it. (hi Martin, hahaha:)
Also, I need to write about these pictures. I am aware of how cliché these photos are. Spring is coming and everyone is taking pictures with blooming cherry-trees. I can see that these pictures are missing a bit of originality, but you know, they fit perfectly into my Instagram, hahaha:)
Also, I got new pants! I kinda thought, that since I can’t walk, I won’t be shopping, but boy, I was wrong. I totally forgot about the e-shops! I’ve been shopping even more!
Also, I’m slowly starting to plan my summer travels and there will be a loooot of them, but more about that in the next article, so at least you guys have something to look forward to! But all of them are incredibly interesting!:)
So I’m off studying! State exam in 9 days! Aaaaaa!

Coat – Lindex
Pants – Mango
Shoes – Adidas
Shirt – Gant