Heeeey everyone!
We survived the twelve-hour flight from Melbourne to Beijing and that’s a huge success. The second success was when we got to the Great Wall of China! It took us three and a half hours, but we made it! The wall is situated about 100 km away from Beijing and to find the right bus was really tough. No one speaks English here and if he does, you don’t understand them anyways. We had to take a cab back to the airport because no one was able to tell us what time the bus back to Beijing goes. We made it there right on time.
In London, another unpleasant thing happened. The airplane from Beijing was delayed, so we missed a plane from London to Prague. We had to buy new plane tickets because we bought them separately and sleep on the airport, so we arrived in Prague one day later than we expected.
But after two unbelievable months in dust, mountains, desserts, beaches, woods and glaciers, I’m back home, in Prague!
And finally I can say, that I’ve been to every continent!
And what about you guys? Which continent is missing to your collection? Or do you have all of them as well? :))