Hey guysssss!
So finally the state exam is behind me and I failed it like a boss! Yeah. Even after a week of coffee, not sleeping and studying, I guess I can’t be lucky every time, so I’ll give it another chance again in May, along with the defense of my thesis, that I haven’t even started writing yet, haha 🙂
Finally, I can do what I love again! 🙂 So, before announcing the results, I was able to write a report from Spindl, where I went with my girls.
We spent two days full of great food and skiing. You’ll see how much fun we had from the pictures! On the first day we took a chairlift to Medvedin and had lunch up there, then we went to Ledarium to see some ice statues, and in the evening we went up to the restaurant Na Plani for special dinner, having a snow cat ride! Btw, you can all experience all this, it wasn’t just a special event for us.
The next morning we got up early and did some freshtrack skiing, before all the people got on the slope, so we enjoyed some manchester snow!:))
And after a long time, I got a CONTESTTTTTT for you guys! You can win two SKIPASSES to SPINDL if you write me in the comments (here on the blog) “why you like mountains/what you like about mountains the most!” Don’t forget to add you e-mail address, so I can contact you in case of winning! <3
And tomorrow I’m leaving to Instanbul and right after that to Marocco, so I can’t wait. It was supposed to be a celebrating travel, but now it’ll turn into a grief travel, haha:)

P.S. Některé fotky jsou od Lenky! 🙂