My name is Eliška Hudcová and I’m the author of the blog you are reading. I’m a 27-year-old hyperactive girl from Prague who has a slightly split personality. I love fashion, so I like to dress classy in the city. But when I get into the mountains, which I love to the Moon and back, I become a wild girl, who has no problem with sleeping in a tent and wearing the same socks for a week.
The mission of the Time to Fit blog is to inspire everyone around me to get outside and spend time in nature. That’s why you will find so many tips on where to go, what mountain to climb, what equipment to buy or where to get a cheap flight ticket. At the same time, I try to spread the fact that people should care about what they are wearing and that’s why I publish a regular dose of outfit inspiration.
I graduated from the University of Economics (VŠE) in Prague, majoring in business economics and management, from which I received a master’s degree. I studied in Texas for a little over a year. I was a personal trainer in a gym for seven years, I also had my own fashion show on Stream.cz for two and a half years, and now I work as a freelancer and do everything I enjoy. From a stylist, through marketing specialist in a development company and sports foundation, to influencer marketing.
I consider the mobile app Placehunter, which I developed together with my boyfriend in April 2021, to be my biggest work success. It’s an app that gathers beautiful hidden places around the Czech Republic, which makes it easier for users to discover new spots not only for their weekend getaways.
The biggest milestones in my life will certainly include my successful climb to the highest mountain of Africa – Kilimanjaro (5,895 m above sea level) and the highest mountain in Europe – Mt Blanc (4,810 m above sea level). In September 2019, I participated in the toughest race in the world called the Eco-Challenge, which took place in Fiji. In January 2020, one new family member and travel partner joined me – a black Portuguese water dog named Gin.