Heyy guyss!
I just figured that I haven’t done a recap post for a really long time now, so here are the latest outfits! Well, okay, let’s face it – procrastination is a really strong thing and I made this article just so I wouldn’t have to study for a few minutes.
As I’m looking at the pictures, I figured how much I’m looking forward to wearing both shoes again! In my apartment hall, I always have shoes that I take off whenever I come home. Well, now, there is always just one of each pair and I find it pretty funny.
Oh and also, I’m announcing a kind of a bloggers break, because of my state exam. I have a little bit over two weeks and I’m starting to freak out, so I’m gonna post two/three articles and then I’m shutting my laptop down and putting it somewhere far away from me.
Anyways, I’d love to know which outfit you like the most or least, so you can put that into comments!:) And if you write that you don’t like no. 13. and 20 at all because the blue color doesn’t match anything, I’m gonna find you and beat you with my crutches, hahaha :)))) I, personally, like the most no. 3 and 4 and least no. 12 and 19 (I don’t really understand how I could wear such an outfit, hahaha:)))