Today I would like to share another #FitFriday and this time I’ll write a little bit about stretching and its benefits for the body. Ok let’s start then!
- Stretching is an incredibly important thing for the body, and if you exercise, you certainly should not skip stretching. Muscles are during an exercise shortened and if it’s shortened too much, it gets tight and starts to hurt somewhere. Muscles get tight not only by exercising, but also by some repetitive movements, such as sitting in the office or in the car again and again in the same position.
In most cases, it has an impact on your back muscles and the point is, that it doesn’t always have to mean that your back is too tight, but the problem can also be tight hamstrings or pelvis muscles.
The most frequently tight muscles include the hip flexors, hamstrings, the erectors of the spine and trapezes, so if your back hurts, first try some stretching of those muscles and then go to see a doctor 🙂 - At the same time stretching helps the body to be more flexible. If you are not flexible at all, you are doing most of the exercises not properly, because you those tight muscles wouldn’t allow you to. On the other hand, excessive flexibility or so called hypermobility, is not good either, because the joints and ligaments are too loose.
- Stretching can also help if you have a feeling, that your muscles will be strained the next day after a workout. In this case I really recommend stretching in a sauna, because due to the heat, the muscle can stretch a bit more.
And what about you guys? Do you stretch? Do you suffer from back pain?