I’m a Capricorn. A Capricorns love climbing the mountains. I don’t believe in horoscopes, but this really.is a good fit, because I love mountains to the moon and back, and when I get to the peak, I’m indescribably happy. And when there’s a good view up there (and it’s usually like that), that’s like a little bonus.
And I was this excited on the all-day 20-km long hike to the Tongariro volcano, which is 2000m.a.s.l. high. The path went through moon-like landscape, where was absolutely nothing around us and the volcano dust was cracking under our feet the whole way. The last time the volcano erupted was in 2012, so we were passing dozens of evacuation plans along the whole track. On the very top of the volcano there are two little green lakes, which are so clear, that we could see the bottom. I haven’t seen anything like that in my life.
On our way down, I found out that I forgot to shoot the time-lapse, which I had planned for such a long time, so I had to go up again. And that wasn’t quite easy in that 27-degrees heat. The whole hike took us around 9 hours in spite of my photographic stops, taking several minutes (on the very top maybe hours). I have to say, we got up at half past four in the morning because we wanted to be first there, however the Asians were faster (I have no idea how they did it??).
Tomorrow, we are planning a rest day in Wellington and a ferry transfer to the southern island.
And what about you guys, do you love climbing the mountains as much as I do? Or am I the only one here?:)))