Hey everyone!
So this weekend was totally awesome!
I didn’t want to sit in my apartment when the weather was so nice, so I set out for my mom’s place She lives outside of Prague and has a garden. I took my laptop with my theses and thought I’d work on it on the garden and get some tan at the same time. Two in one. I was really happy with my idea and after my morning workout, I set off.
I pulled out a blanket, lied down only in my bra and panties and opened the laptop.
I’ll be lying on the blanket, sipping ice coffee, listening to my favorite music and sunbathing. I’ll write about 10 pages and take a lunch break at noon. Then I’ll write another 10 pages and when the sun sets, I’ll be tanned as if I just returned from Maldives.
Thanks to the sun, I didn’t see a thing on my computer. After five minutes, I found out that the wifi doesn’t reach the garden, so I connected to my poor mobile data, which didn’t really work either. Different kinds of insect was constantly sitting down on me, and in the evening I found out that I got a tick. I didn’t realize that the trees didn’t have any leaves yet, so everyone who was passing by on the street stared at me.
After two hours and half a page my laptop died. I went to charge it, and on that occasion, I helped my mom with lunch. We pulled out a table and chairs and ate outside.
After lunch, I wrote another half a page. My laptop died again, because it managed to charge only to 20% during lunch. I took my camera and went to take some pictures. My camera died. I went back to the blanket and wrote two more sentences. Then it started getting cold, so I went back home. To summarize this, I wrote one page and two sentences. I burnt my butt, ate a box of chocolate that my mom got from my grandma for her birthday, I used all my mobile data and got a tick and a hundred and fifty bites from mosquitoes and ants.
Next time I’ll sit in a café I guess.