Exploring the Czech Republic – skitour to the highest mountain

Hello everyone!

I promise this is the last article from my snowy adventures in the Czech mountains! I spent almost two weeks in the Krkonose Mountains this winter and during those two weeks I hit Snezka (our highest mountain) as many times as in my whole life, so I have to dedicate a relevant number of articles to it :))

For the first time ever, I set out on touring skiis in the Czech mountains. I’m more like a “go big or go home” kind of a person, so I always went to three/four thousand-meters-high mountains because … well you know me. Capricorn.

This time I planned a 40-km route from Javor, through Lesní and Lyžařská bouda, to Výrovka and then to Luční bouda, where I slept (the price per night is insane!!?!) And in the morning I hiked up to Sněžka for the sunrise and then took the same on the way down, I just went parallely to the hiking trail in order not to run over some cross-country skier with my furious skiing techniques hahaa:)

And it was just great! It was great because I didn’t have to beware of avalanches (I avoided Modrý Důl – the only avalanchy area). It was more of a walk rather than a mountaineering performance, which is not bad once in a while.

So with this article I’m closing the chapter “Czech Mountains” and now there is another adventure waiting for me, so stay tuned! 🙂 
