Hey travellers! So we got back from Bergen, where we spent two wonderful days (see the previous post), to Oslo, where we were going to spend two more days. This time it was even more beautiful because the sun was shining and the sky was blue, instead of a snow storm. We got to Oslo at about 3pm, so we had enough time to discover more of the city. We saw the Opera House, one of the most interesting buildings in Europe. We also got to see the Akershus Castle and a little bit of the local shopping malls (of course). The prices weren’t any better than in Bergen, so I can’t say I brought something to wear from Norway. Even the t-shirts were the same price as the plane ticket. We walked all the time, so we were kind of exhausted at the evening, but we went to bed at about 2am because there were two Americans from New York staying in the apartment as well and we were talking and talking about travelling and stuff so long, that we forgot to be tired. The second day we were sleeping till 11am, so we skipped breakfast and ate our super-healthy instant lunch (yes, I do work as a personal trainer and I give people advice how to eat right and I myself eat crappy food lol) and went exploring again. We wanted to see the other side of the city, where the cathedral, the city hall and the parlament were. We even got to the port, where we agreed on the most beautiful and luxurious apartments you could ever imagine. Every single one of them had its own balcony with the view of the sea and the port, own pier and parking spot for a boat. Architectonically – even thought they were just apartments – I found them really stunning. When we were going back to the center, there was an amazing sunset. How romantic, right? Too bad it was freezing, I could imagine walking around the port in 20°C and with a little handbag instead of our hiking backpacks. It was dark when we were getting to the bus station, where we got on a bus, that took us to the airport Torp. This short trip passed by so fast, we didn’t want to go back to Prague at all. We agreed on going back to Norway this summer again, but this time with an RV and at least for 3 weeks. We were thinking about combining it with Sweden as well. How classic is that?! We are still sitting in the plane, haven’t even got home yet, and we are planning another travel.And what about you? Have you been somewhere North in winter? I think it has its beauty as well, even though I don’t even know anyone, who would go to someplace colder than the home country. Love, E.