Hey travelers!
Kisses from sunny LA!
So, the Puma #teamfaster summit is unfortunately over, but I still have 7 full days of wandering around California. My friend came from Sacramento to see me, but he wasn’t gonna get to LA till the afternoon (I mean, SC to LA takes a while), so I had almost the whole day, which I didn’t want to waste in the hotel, so I checked out in the morning right after breakfast, left my luggage at the hotel and went out only with my handbag and headphones in my ears, heading to Hollywood. It was quite a walk, I’d say about 15 km, but when you are in a city which you love, you don’t really care!:)
In Hollywood, I was heading for Hollywood Boulevard, which I’ve seen a hundred times (alright, only three times, but still haha:)), but it hasn’t stopped fascinating me.
I couldn’t miss the Walk of Fame and actually the entire street, which is endless. I thought I’d make it to Beverly Hills, but when I was about to leave Hollywood, my friend called me that he just arrived and asked me where he could pick me up. I jumped into his car and we drove to Beverly Hills together. There we went through the typical palm-streets, but the hunger forced us to get to the nearest In-N-Out asap! Hahaha:) If you ever go to California, don’t miss this fast-food. They only have a hamburger, cheeseburger, doubleburger, and French fries, but they’re doing those pretty well. And if you’re not a big fan of ordinary French fries, try cheesefries or fries animal style, which you won’t find in the menu and you just have to know about them. It’s a small trick haha:)
Then we headed up to the Hollywood Hills to see the famous Hollywood sign. But I didn’t remember how to get to one of the viewpoints, so we just risked it and set off on a random street that looked like it might be nearby. We drove through the windy streets to the very end of the road and parked the car. Well, we found a huge locked gate. We started measuring, if we can climb over it, but it was about 2 meters high, haha. And as we stood there, a guy came, walked around us, headed for a small door a few meters from that giant gate, which of course we didn’t notice and just went to the other side through this door. I mean, I’m glad we didn’t start to climb over the huge gate, it would be quite funny to see us climbing it, when there was a regular open door two meters from us, hahaha:)
We had unbelievable luck, because I think we got to the best viewpoint, that was also the closest one to the sign. The street was called Mulholland Hwy.
Then we went back to the hotel, where I picked up my luggage and went further south towards San Diego, but more about that in the next article, so you guys have something to look forward to! 🙂