Hey everyone!
I get a lot of questions from you guys about how I can handle all of my activities, so I thought about writing an article and explaining how I actually live and how I do everything at once. This time, I’m gonna focus on time and in the next article I’ll focus on the financial aspect, because most of you are wondering about that too:)
So here’s how it is!
As a full-time student of my master’s degree on a university I don’t have to go to school daily, so when I create my schedule every semester, I try to fit all the lessons into two days a week. This, of course, requires to be in school from morning to evening literally. I never go to lectures (the last time I was at the lecture was like five years ago haha) because I honestly can’t find the time for that, but I certainly don’t want to advice you to do so as well because at the end of the semester the lectures are missing in my brain and I have to push much much harder in order to pass my exams.
As far as the seminars are concerned, those are compulsory. Even for me (haha). I really don’t have any special conditions. But if you consider one semester, which takes 13 weeks, it is allowed to miss 3-5 seminars, so I keep an eye on that and always create my travel plans in a way, that I don’t miss more than that. When I plan a big trip that takes me 2-3 weeks, I try to plan it for Christmas or summer break.
As my university teaches me, I diversify the risk. Haha, I’m kidding but I don’t do just one job because sitting in an office from 9 to 5 every day is nothing for me, hyperactive kid. I hate stereotype, so I have more than just one job. As most of you know, I work as a fitness trainer (or actually worked – I quit in the gym at the end of January). This job allowed me the most flexible working hours I could have ever possibly imagined. I didn’t have to spend a certain time in the gym, but I only went there when I had trainings with my clients, which I scheduled in a way, that they wouldn’t interfere with school.
When I go on a trip, I try to include a weekend in order to miss as little trainings as possible. And if I can’t schedule it for the weekend, I just tell my clients that I won’t be here for several days and create a training plan for the time I’ll be gone. All my clients are long-time clients which I’ve been training for several years now (so they do know how to exercise, they just don’t want to exercise alone) and who are used to my trips every now and then, so it’s a win-win.
My next job is my blog. I hate to say that I work as a blogger, but thanks to all of you guys, I’m able to make some money by writing posts and taking pictures. The advantage of this is that I can blog from anywhere in the world and all I need is my laptop, so that goes perfectly together with my constant trips around the world. I usually write articles at any free time, so I always drag my laptop with me wherever I go.
My next job is my fashion show on Stream.cz. There is a new episode coming out every week, but I definitely don’t have the time to shoot it every week, so Martin and I try to shoot as many episodes as possible in one whole day. We usually manage to do two or three, so that means we shoot every two or three weeks. On this occasion, all the outfit photos for my blog are created because Martin is also my photographer.
Not all the trips are my initiatives 🙂 Sometimes it happens that a brand invites me to go abroad, so some of my travels are part of a campaign. For example in November I went to LA with Puma, which held a two-day workshop for all the ambassadors there. When it’s an interesting destination, I try to extend my trip for a few days to explore it even more on my own. An example was last year’s Fjällräven Classic in Sweden, which I extended for a week and explored Norwegian Lofoten.
More or less everything else was said above. To summarize it, I always stick to two rules:
– I try to plan my travels in such a way as to interfere with school and work as little as possible, meaning I travel during the weekends, holidays and Christmas.
– I try to travel as low-cost as I can, which I think is an art that few people know how to do. Otherwise the trips would financially ruin me, haha:)

And now there’s still a question how to fit regular exercising into this crazy schedule. Because I work in a gym, it almost always happens that I have time off between the trainings, so I always do my workout in these gaps, which I wouldn’t be able to use for anything else anyways, because I don’t see any point in going home for an hour. Sometimes it happens that I have my trainings in a row from the morning till the evening and there’s not gap. Since I work in the gym, it’s not a problem for me to do my workout outside the opening time, so at 10pm, when I finish working, I put on the headphones and I exercise till 11.30pm. I’m really glad that the grocery store next to the gym is 24/7, so I’m a regular midnight customer, hahhaa :))
And now, try to include meetings for co-operation, responding to mails, coffees with friends, occasional shopping, housekeeping, or time spent with my family …
On social networks, my life looks incredibly organized and gives certainly the impression that I have everything under control, but the reality is way different. I live incredibly hectic life, I’m always in time pressure, and I do a hundred things at a time. But I enjoy it that way. I enjoy going home at midnight, and in the morning I get up when it’s still dark to get the most out of the day.
Anyways, that’s about it!:) If I forgot something, ask me in the comments, I’d be thrilled to answer! :)))