I TURNED IN MY THESIS TODAY !!!! Yaaaaaaay !!! I couldn’t wait for this moment. The moment when I’d proudly carry my 99-page book in blue hardcover with silver lettering to school, with the feeling that there is only one last thing that needs to be done in order to get my master’s degree. Last 14 days of hard work. The last state exam. The last obligatory visit to VŠE. At least I hope I’ll be the last one, because I failed this exam in January.
Now I have another dilemma in front of me. I have flight tickets to Israel for Thursday, but I don’t like the current situation there, so I need to decide whether to go or not. What do you guys think?
Have a awesome Tuesday everyone!

Top – Zara
Pants – Bershka
Shoes – Asos
Sunnies – RayBan