Hey guys!
I’m just sitting in an airplane & heading to LA and since the flight will take forever, I’ll use the time for writing a few articles.
I’m going back to the States after two years, so I’m actually really looking forward to it! It has always been a country I like to go back to, no matter what part.
Well and what exactly am I gonna do there? I’d love to call this journey a bussines trip, but I can’t do that because I think it’s a bit strange to call blogging as work.
Anyways, a few weeks ago I was named a Puma ambassador for the Czech Republic and it was Puma, who invited me to this event to LA.
The event is called #teamfaster and all the ambassadors from all parts of the world are coming. We’re gonna exercise, run, workout, and last but not least eat, shoot and get to know all the others. I still can’t believe that such a big brand invited ME, such an unknown and ordinary girl, who just likes to write articles. And although I find it superstrange, I really really appreciate this! <3 So, thank you, Puma for this!
I’m the only one from the Czech Republic, so I’m traveling alone, which I haven’t done for a long time (if you don’t count the mountains of course! HahaJ:)
The whole journey took about 15 hours and I transferred in Paris. And I flew with the double-deck A380 for the first time in my life! But I didn’t feel any difference since I was sitting in the lower deck, haha. The flight’s just a lot smoother and less loud.
Well and since this summit is gonna take two days, I asked Puma for extension of my trip, so I could spend a week in California. Well they managed to do so, so I’m gonna travel around the west coast by car. I’m gonna go south to San Diego as well as north to San Francisco.
But this time ther will be no climbing/trekking, because first of all, I really need to rest and not deal with snow, avalanches or blisters; and second, I wouldn’t fit all my mountain equipment (including tent & sleeping bag) into my luggage anyways. But I’m pretty sure you guys won’t mind seeing something else apart from mountains, haha 🙂

Po půl hodině letu // after 30 minutes of flight
Po 6 hodinách letu // after 6 hours of flight

Po 12 hodinách letu aka zombie/houmlesák hahaha // After 12 hours of flight aka zombie/homeless hahaha

Na letišti mě vyzvedla limuzína, která mě odvezla do hotelu:) // A guy picked me up at the airport and dropped me off at the hotel:)

And here I am! In the Standard Hotel in downtown LA! <3