Hey guys!
Once I got a really interesting question from someone. He asked me: “why mountains?” “how did you start liking them so much?”. And so I thought about it and put it in words, so maybe I’ll inspire someone to go to the mountains too.
My love for the mountains has not always been there. I can even say that I hated the mountains as a kid. We used to have a cottage in Jizerske mountains, in which we occasionally spent a weekend. I remember that it was super-hard for me to get out of the house for a walk, and when it happened, I was angry and swearing the whole time.
To be honest, I don’t really know what has changed in my life, but I’d say it’s the age, but I have never loved the mountains in such a way. Now it’s difficult to get me back home haha:)
And why do I like it like them so much? I have three answers to this question.
I live in Prague, which is full of people and let’s say I’m looking for peace in the mountains, which I logically don’t have in Prague. I really like the fact that nobody talks to me, I don’t get any emails and messages, there is silence, I’m free, I can do whatever I want, there are no crying children and stupid drivers, and generally I can relax mentally there. Unfortunately, only mentally because I usually destroy my body physically so much, that I can’t move for two days.
The second reason is associated with photography. I’ve always enjoyed taking pictures, and I would compare my relationship with the camera to the Siamese twins. And taking pictures of something as beautiful as the mountains is an honor.
The last reason is a bit related to how mountains are dangerous and unpredictable. There is no danger at the beach, so it’s boring for me. I personally am the kind of person, who likes challenges and danger, and there are plenty of challenges & danger in the mountains, so my ego of constantly proving something is happy there. But I’m not planning Everest, haha:)
I have already thought that since I love mountains so much, I could move there, but I’m afraid a bit that they’re gonna lose their sparkle if I saw them every day. I guess everyone wants something they don’t have. So I’m sure someone who lives in the Alps admires big cities and likes coming there, or …? Do I have anyone here who lives in the mountains and could confirm this? 🙂
So I hope it all makes sense and there is at least one of you whom I have convinced to try being a mountain person! 🙂
Have a wonderful Thursday guys!